The situation:

Undoubtedly, most people have heard about the unfortunate natural disasters that happened in Japan recently and what kind of destruction they caused. With damage to infrastructure that would take millions of dollars to repair, thousands of deaths and even more people missing, the nation of Japan and it’s citizens could use a lot of help right now.

Google has stepped up to help people find missing individuals in Japan and also to help people who have information on missing individuals report that information. Google with its vast array of databases and servers, have the power and resources to provide this kind of service. At the Google Crisis Response site for Japan, people can not only search for data on missing people and report data on missing people, but they can also make donations to the Red Cross, get links to the latest information on the power plants, rolling blackouts, government agencies, public transit, shelters and more.

The PR angle:

This is simply a great service that Google is providing to not only Japan, but the world. This is not the first time this resource has been implemented by Google either. It was also used during the Haiti and Chile disasters.

Even though it’s not related in any way, the recent comments from the public criticizing Google’s motto of “Don’t be evil” are muffled by the company’s great deed. From a company that does not have to do anything at all, this is definitely NOT an evil thing to do.

Kudos Google.

Google Person Finder (Available in many languages)

Google Crisis Response