Communications is a very important concept in all organizations. It is a tool that almost anyone can take advantage of and if it is not put to good use, an organization can miss out on quality exposure and opportunities to do better by their organization. If used improperly it can single handedly ruin any organization.

            From what I understand, level 5 companies are those that are not out to make a quick buck. They are not there to undermine the public and cheat their employees to make more money. They are powerful organizations that realize what power they have but don’t use it to take advantage of others. It took a little bit of research to find out what it even meant to be an organization that runs at level 5. This is definitely something that a communications department can do for a company like that.

            I found it odd that it took me over 15 minutes to find out what a level 5 company was and when I did, I didn’t even get any examples of what organizations operate at level 5. An organization that has that status needs to get that information out in the open. I, and I’m sure many other consumers, would prefer to buy or use products that come from a company that operates at level 5. Consumers need to know what level 5 means and that a certain company operates at that level. To be the one company that sets themselves apart and gets the word out about their status, it would do them well.

            Also, internal communications is a big deal in a level 5 organization. All employees and even volunteers need to be on the same page as far as what the goals and objectives are for the organization. At all times they must be able to portray what the organization represents. A communications department can help organize that.

            A communications team can also help the organization stay ethical. Ethics is the key to staying at level 5. A big slip up can take away that status and with a team of public relations professionals at the side of the organization, they can help lead it in the right direction when certain events and opportunities arise.