A short but sweet one here.

The Situation:

To many in the tech community, it is widely known that when cell phone companies and internet service providers claim that they provide ‘unlimited’ access to their data and services, they aren’t exactly telling the whole truth. They usually implement bandwidth shaping, throttling, metering and other techniques to ‘help’ you use your data within reason.

Here is an example of a great PR move by Dan Hesse, the CEO of Sprint, which is one of the biggest cell phone companies in the U.S. He is doing what he can to make sure that current and future customers using the ‘Simply Everything’ plan know for sure that their access will not be hindered in any way.

The PR Angle:

While other companies allegedly deceive customers, The Sprint CEO made a TV commercial to show that his company is doing the exact opposite. Customers don’t have to worry about getting overage charges or having problems with their service. This is a great move by the CEO in my opinion. Being proactive in this market is a great thing, and by doing this he is making it easier for people to choose what company they want to go with.

The TV commercial is embedded below.

Engadget Source Article